Toshimi Saitou wanted to inform his customers on how to fully enjoy eating ramen. Since ramen is not well known in the Netherlands yet, he decided to create a comic with explanations about how to eat it. He contacted me and provided some examples of what he had in mind.
We decided to use his little Onion-man (a small art piece in his restaurant) as the main character, and Onion-man would show the eating process. I designed the first version with all the text and drawings. By designing something realistic, it was easier for Saitou to say, ‘No, this is not what I want. I want this.’

I also had questions, so during the first feedback session, we discussed version one, and I asked my questions. After the feedback session, it became clear that three languages would be used, and more explanations were needed. Version two had more text, but it was too cramped to fit on one page. In version three, the information was separated over two A4 pages, and colors were added to the drawings.
Final result
I delivered the two comic pages to Toshimi Saitou as .JPG and he printed it out and laminated them for the restaurant. A customer even send a message to me about how they enjoyed the comic.